Source code for torch_struct.deptree

import torch
from .helpers import _Struct, Chart

def convert(logits):
    "move root arcs from diagonal"
    new_shape = list(logits.shape)
    new_shape[1] += 1
    new_shape[2] += 1
    new_logits = torch.zeros(new_shape).type_as(
    new_logits[:, 1:, 1:] = logits

    N = logits.size(1)
    new_logits[:, 0, 1:] = logits[:, torch.arange(N), torch.arange(N)]
    new_logits[:, torch.arange(1, N + 1), torch.arange(1, N + 1)] = -1e9
    return new_logits

def unconvert(logits):
    "Move root arcs to diagonal"
    new_shape = list(logits.shape)
    new_shape[1] -= 1
    new_shape[2] -= 1
    new_logits = torch.zeros(new_shape, dtype=logits.dtype, device=logits.device)

    new_logits[:, :, :] = logits[:, 1:, 1:]
    N = new_logits.size(1)
    new_logits[:, torch.arange(N), torch.arange(N)] = logits[:, 0, 1:]
    return new_logits

# Constants
A, B, R, C, L, I = 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0

[docs]class DepTree(_Struct): """ A projective dependency CRF. Parameters: arc_scores_in: Arc scores of shape (B, N, N) or (B, N, N, L) with root scores on diagonal. Note: For single-root case, do not set cache=True for now. """ def logpartition(self, arc_scores_in, lengths=None, force_grad=False): multiroot = getattr(self, "multiroot", True) if arc_scores_in.dim() not in (3, 4): raise ValueError("potentials must have dim of 3 (unlabeled) or 4 (labeled)") labeled = arc_scores_in.dim() == 4 semiring = self.semiring arc_scores_in = convert(arc_scores_in) arc_scores_in, batch, N, lengths = self._check_potentials( arc_scores_in, lengths ) arc_scores_in.requires_grad_(True) arc_scores = semiring.sum(arc_scores_in) if labeled else arc_scores_in alpha = [ [ [Chart((batch, N, N), arc_scores, semiring) for _ in range(2)] for _ in range(2) ] for _ in range(2) ] mask = torch.zeros(alpha[A][C][L].data.shape).bool() mask[:, :, :, 0].fill_(True) alpha[A][C][L].data[:] = semiring.fill( alpha[A][C][L].data[:], mask, ) alpha[A][C][R].data[:] = semiring.fill( alpha[A][C][R].data[:], mask, ) mask = torch.zeros(alpha[B][C][L].data[:].shape).bool() mask[:, :, :, -1].fill_(True) alpha[B][C][L].data[:] = semiring.fill( alpha[B][C][L].data[:], mask, ) alpha[B][C][R].data[:] = semiring.fill( alpha[B][C][R].data[:], mask, ) if multiroot: start_idx = 0 else: start_idx = 1 for k in range(1, N - start_idx): f = torch.arange(start_idx, N - k), torch.arange(k + start_idx, N) ACL = alpha[A][C][L][start_idx : N - k, :k] ACR = alpha[A][C][R][start_idx : N - k, :k] BCL = alpha[B][C][L][k + start_idx :, N - k :] BCR = alpha[B][C][R][k + start_idx :, N - k :] x =, BCL) arcs_l = semiring.times(x, arc_scores[:, :, f[1], f[0]]) alpha[A][I][L][start_idx : N - k, k] = arcs_l alpha[B][I][L][k + start_idx : N, N - k - 1] = arcs_l arcs_r = semiring.times(x, arc_scores[:, :, f[0], f[1]]) alpha[A][I][R][start_idx : N - k, k] = arcs_r alpha[B][I][R][k + start_idx : N, N - k - 1] = arcs_r AIR = alpha[A][I][R][start_idx : N - k, 1 : k + 1] BIL = alpha[B][I][L][k + start_idx :, N - k - 1 : N - 1] new =, BIL) alpha[A][C][L][start_idx : N - k, k] = new alpha[B][C][L][k + start_idx : N, N - k - 1] = new new =, BCR) alpha[A][C][R][start_idx : N - k, k] = new alpha[B][C][R][k + start_idx : N, N - k - 1] = new if not multiroot: root_incomplete_span = semiring.times( alpha[A][C][L][1, : N - 1], arc_scores[:, :, 0, 1:] ) for k in range(1, N): AIR = root_incomplete_span[:, :, :k] BCR = alpha[B][C][R][k, N - k :] alpha[A][C][R][0, k] =, BCR) final = alpha[A][C][R][(0,)] v = torch.stack([final[:, i, l] for i, l in enumerate(lengths)], dim=1) return v, [arc_scores_in] def _check_potentials(self, arc_scores, lengths=None): semiring = self.semiring batch, N, N2, *_ = self._get_dimension(arc_scores) assert N == N2, "Non-square potentials" if lengths is None: lengths = torch.LongTensor([N - 1] * batch).to(arc_scores.device) assert max(lengths) <= N, "Length longer than N" arc_scores = semiring.convert(arc_scores) # Set the extra elements of the log-potentials to zero. keep = torch.ones_like(arc_scores).bool() for b in range(batch): keep[:, b, lengths[b] + 1 :, :].fill_(0.0) keep[:, b, :, lengths[b] + 1 :].fill_(0.0) arc_scores = semiring.fill(arc_scores, ~keep, return arc_scores, batch, N, lengths def _arrange_marginals(self, grads): return self.semiring.convert(unconvert(self.semiring.unconvert(grads[0]))) @staticmethod def to_parts(sequence, extra=None, lengths=None): """ Convert a sequence representation to arcs Parameters: sequence : b x N long tensor in [0, N] (indexing is +1) extra : None lengths : lengths of sequences Returns: arcs : b x N x N arc indicators """ batch, N = sequence.shape if lengths is None: lengths = torch.LongTensor([N] * batch) labels = torch.zeros(batch, N + 1, N + 1).long() for n in range(1, N + 1): labels[torch.arange(batch), sequence[:, n - 1], n] = 1 for b in range(batch): labels[b, lengths[b] + 1 :, :] = 0 labels[b, :, lengths[b] + 1 :] = 0 return unconvert(labels) @staticmethod def from_parts(arcs): """ Convert a arc representation to sequence Parameters: arcs : b x N x N arc indicators Returns: sequence : b x N long tensor in [0, N] (indexing is +1) """ batch, N, _ = arcs.shape labels = torch.zeros(batch, N).long() on = arcs.nonzero() for i in range(on.shape[0]): if on[i][1] == on[i][2]: labels[on[i][0], on[i][2]] = 0 else: labels[on[i][0], on[i][2]] = on[i][1] + 1 return labels, None
def deptree_part(arc_scores, multi_root, lengths=None, eps=1e-5): if lengths is not None: batch, N, N = arc_scores.shape x = torch.arange(N, device=arc_scores.device).expand(batch, N) if not torch.is_tensor(lengths): lengths = torch.tensor(lengths, device=arc_scores.device) lengths = lengths.unsqueeze(1) x = x < lengths det_offset = torch.diag_embed((~x).float()) x = x.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, N) mask = torch.transpose(x, 1, 2) * x mask = mask.float() mask[mask == 0] = float("-inf") mask[mask == 1] = 0 arc_scores = arc_scores + mask input = arc_scores eye = torch.eye(input.shape[1], device=input.device) laplacian = input.exp() + eps lap = laplacian.masked_fill(eye != 0, 0) lap = -lap + torch.diag_embed(lap.sum(1), offset=0, dim1=-2, dim2=-1) if lengths is not None: lap += det_offset if multi_root: rss = torch.diagonal(input, 0, -2, -1).exp() # root selection scores lap = lap + torch.diag_embed(rss, offset=0, dim1=-2, dim2=-1) else: lap[:, 0] = torch.diagonal(input, 0, -2, -1).exp() return lap.logdet() def deptree_nonproj(arc_scores, multi_root, lengths=None, eps=1e-5): """ Compute the marginals of a non-projective dependency tree using the matrix-tree theorem. Allows for overlapping arcs. Much faster, but cannot provide a semiring. Parameters: arc_scores : b x N x N arc scores with root scores on diagonal. multi_root (bool) : multiple roots lengths : length of examples eps (float) : given Returns: arc_marginals : b x N x N. """ if lengths is not None: batch, N, N = arc_scores.shape x = torch.arange(N, device=arc_scores.device).expand(batch, N) if not torch.is_tensor(lengths): lengths = torch.tensor(lengths, device=arc_scores.device) lengths = lengths.unsqueeze(1) x = x < lengths det_offset = torch.diag_embed((~x).float()) x = x.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, N) mask = torch.transpose(x, 1, 2) * x mask = mask.float() mask[mask == 0] = float("-inf") mask[mask == 1] = 0 arc_scores = arc_scores + mask input = arc_scores eye = torch.eye(input.shape[1], device=input.device) laplacian = input.exp() + eps lap = laplacian.masked_fill(eye != 0, 0) lap = -lap + torch.diag_embed(lap.sum(1), offset=0, dim1=-2, dim2=-1) if lengths is not None: lap += det_offset if multi_root: rss = torch.diagonal(input, 0, -2, -1).exp() # root selection scores lap = lap + torch.diag_embed(rss, offset=0, dim1=-2, dim2=-1) inv_laplacian = lap.inverse() factor = ( torch.diagonal(inv_laplacian, 0, -2, -1) .unsqueeze(2) .expand_as(input) .transpose(1, 2) ) term1 = input.exp().mul(factor).clone() term2 = input.exp().mul(inv_laplacian.transpose(1, 2)).clone() output = term1 - term2 roots_output = ( torch.diagonal(input, 0, -2, -1) .exp() .mul(torch.diagonal(inv_laplacian.transpose(1, 2), 0, -2, -1)) ) else: lap[:, 0] = torch.diagonal(input, 0, -2, -1).exp() inv_laplacian = lap.inverse() factor = ( torch.diagonal(inv_laplacian, 0, -2, -1) .unsqueeze(2) .expand_as(input) .transpose(1, 2) ) term1 = input.exp().mul(factor).clone() term2 = input.exp().mul(inv_laplacian.transpose(1, 2)).clone() term1[:, :, 0] = 0 term2[:, 0] = 0 output = term1 - term2 roots_output = ( torch.diagonal(input, 0, -2, -1) .exp() .mul(inv_laplacian.transpose(1, 2)[:, 0]) ) output = output + torch.diag_embed(roots_output, 0, -2, -1) return output