A linear-chain dynamic program.
Considers parameterized functions of the form :math:`f: {\cal Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}`.
Combinatorial set :math:`{y_{1:N} \in \cal Y}` with each :math:`y_n \in {1, \ldots, C}`
Function factors as :math:`f(y) = \prod_{n=1}^N \phi(n, y_n, y_n{-1})`
Example use cases:
* Part-of-Speech Tagging
* Sequence Labeling
* Hidden Markov Models
import torch
from .helpers import _Struct
[docs]class LinearChain(_Struct):
Represents structured linear-chain CRFs, generalizing HMMs smoothing, tagging models,
and anything with chain-like dynamics.
def _check_potentials(self, edge, lengths=None):
batch, N_1, C, C2 = self._get_dimension(edge)
edge = self.semiring.convert(edge)
N = N_1 + 1
if lengths is None:
lengths = torch.LongTensor([N] * batch).to(edge.device)
# pass
assert max(lengths) <= N, "Length longer than edge scores"
assert max(lengths) == N, "One length must be at least N"
assert C == C2, "Transition shape doesn't match"
return edge, batch, N, C, lengths
def logpartition(self, log_potentials, lengths=None, force_grad=False):
"Compute forward pass by linear scan"
# Setup
semiring = self.semiring
ssize = semiring.size()
log_potentials, batch, N, C, lengths = self._check_potentials(
log_potentials, lengths
log_N, bin_N = self._bin_length(N - 1)
chart = self._chart((batch, bin_N, C, C), log_potentials, force_grad)
# Init
init = torch.zeros_like(chart).bool()
init.diagonal(0, 3, 4).fill_(True)
chart = semiring.fill(chart, init, semiring.one)
# Length mask
big = torch.zeros(
big[:, :, : N - 1] = log_potentials
c = chart[:, :, :].view(ssize, batch * bin_N, C, C)
lp = big[:, :, :].view(ssize, batch * bin_N, C, C)
mask = torch.arange(bin_N).view(1, bin_N).expand(batch, bin_N).type_as(c)
mask = mask >= (lengths - 1).view(batch, 1)
mask = mask.view(batch * bin_N, 1, 1).to(lp.device)
lp.data[:] = semiring.fill(lp.data, mask, semiring.zero)
c.data[:] = semiring.fill(c.data, ~mask, semiring.zero)
c[:] = semiring.sum(torch.stack([c.data, lp], dim=-1))
# Scan
for n in range(1, log_N + 1):
chart = semiring.matmul(chart[:, :, 1::2], chart[:, :, 0::2])
v = semiring.sum(semiring.sum(chart[:, :, 0].contiguous()))
return v, [log_potentials]
def to_parts(sequence, extra, lengths=None):
Convert a sequence representation to edges
sequence : b x N long tensor in [0, C-1]
extra : number of states
lengths: b long tensor of N values
edge : b x (N-1) x C x C markov indicators
(t x z_t x z_{t-1})
C = extra
batch, N = sequence.shape
labels = torch.zeros(batch, N - 1, C, C).long()
if lengths is None:
lengths = torch.LongTensor([N] * batch)
for n in range(1, N):
labels[torch.arange(batch), n - 1, sequence[:, n], sequence[:, n - 1]] = 1
for b in range(batch):
labels[b, lengths[b] - 1 :, :, :] = 0
return labels
def from_parts(edge):
Convert edges to sequence representation.
edge : b x (N-1) x C x C markov indicators
(t x z_t x z_{t-1})
sequence : b x N long tensor in [0, C-1]
batch, N_1, C, _ = edge.shape
N = N_1 + 1
labels = torch.zeros(batch, N).long()
on = edge.nonzero()
for i in range(on.shape[0]):
if on[i][1] == 0:
labels[on[i][0], on[i][1]] = on[i][3]
labels[on[i][0], on[i][1] + 1] = on[i][2]
return labels, C
# Adapters
def hmm(transition, emission, init, observations):
Convert HMM log-probs to a linear chain.
transition: C X C
emission: V x C
init: C
observations: b x N between [0, V-1]
edges: b x (N-1) x C x C
V, C = emission.shape
batch, N = observations.shape
scores = torch.zeros(batch, N - 1, C, C).type_as(emission)
scores[:, :, :, :] += transition.view(1, 1, C, C)
scores[:, 0, :, :] += init.view(1, 1, C)
obs = emission[observations.view(batch * N), :]
scores[:, :, :, :] += obs.view(batch, N, C, 1)[:, 1:]
scores[:, 0, :, :] += obs.view(batch, N, 1, C)[:, 0]
return scores
def _rand(min_n=2):
b = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
N = torch.randint(min_n, 4, (1,))
C = torch.randint(2, 4, (1,))
return torch.rand(b, N, C, C), (b.item(), (N + 1).item())